Why hasn’t my item shipped?

If your shipment is not yet shipped, the following are the potential reasons. We’ll notify you via email.

1. The shipment has hazardous items we cannot ship.

In this instance, please respond to the email to let us know if you’d like to remove the item from the shipment and return it to your inbox. We cannot process any items that are considered hazardous, i.e. aerosols, perfumes etc.

2. The shipment has not been paid.

To resolve this problem, you can go and update your credit card information under the Plan & Billing Details in Settings. Then go into the invoice under Billing History -> Invoices, and click “Pay Now” on the outstanding invoice.

3. The shipment is too big for the flat rate shipping method.

You can request that select items be removed from your shipment or you can choose a different shipping carrier. Simply respond to the email to let us know.

4. Can’t Ship: Incomplete/Missing Declarations

Navigate to the shipment under Shipments -> Pending and click on it. Then select the Resolve Issue button to add/update the declarations.