So you are about to move and have checked several websites to make sure you have your complete checklist of things you need to do, prior to the move. That is great! But if you currently live in the US and regardless of whether you have plans or returning or not, most likely you still need to be able to receive mail while overseas (whether for tax purposes, legal documents, your passport etc.)
Most importantly, you need to have a way to access that mail remotely, and not need to rely on a friend or family member to pick up mail for you. Not only is the latter option one of great inconvenience but it is one that involves a significant cost. Imagine having every single mail item shipped to you…it would soon start to cost you more than your electric bill.
In this article, we will be covering a virtual mailbox alternative, and how that can help you with staying on top of your mail, no matter where you are in the world.
What Is A Virtual Mailbox
A virtual mailbox, is an online mailbox where all your letters and packages are scanned and uploaded into your account for you to view digitally from your computer or smartphone device. Whenever a piece of mail arrives for you, you will get an image of the exterior of your envelope uploaded into the account; this way you know who the envelope is from and what it is. Additional details will be added about that piece of mail you got, including the weight and the dimensions of it. From within your account, any envelope you want opened and the interior contents scanned, you can request to do so. Then, within just a few hours, you will have scanned copies of your letter added into your virtual mailbox account.
For packages, you will get scanned images of the package that you got. If you need the package shipped to your address overseas, you can select that within your account and have it shipped with up to 80% discounted shipping rates. All mail & packages arrive at a physical address in the US; this way any order you make online and any document you receive, whether from a private or federal institution, can be accepted to your address and uploaded into your account.
What Do You Get With A Virtual Mailbox
When you sign up for a virtual mailbox, not only do you get a digital way of accessing your mail and cheaper shipping rates; you also have other features such as check deposits. Let’s say for example that you need to have a check cashed at your US bank, while you are overseas – that can also be done from within your virtual mailbox (at no cost.) Other perks that you get include lifetime storage of your physical mail, junk mail gets presorted so it is not added into your mailbox at all and you can even bundle items together for shipping, if you want to save more.
People who are travelling abroad or have moved overseas, also find the multiple family members addition, a very helpful tool for them. If you have a spouse or children that need to receive mail also within the US (even though they are overseas,) you can have multiple family members added under the same account. This keeps all your family’s mail in one place, easily accessible within the same account.
Keeping A US Address While Living Abroad
Having a US address while you’re overseas can come in very handy, regardless of the amount of time you intend to spend abroad. For example, let’s say that you intend it to be a short amount of time, or intend on moving again some time in the future, that would mean that you need to then get a new address to receive your mail at. When you get a virtual mailbox however, keep in mind that you are getting a US physical address with it, which stays with you no matter where you move.
To help explain this further, let’s bring up the example of your cell phone number while you are in the US. If you were to move from one US city to another, you probably would keep the same number. Same goes for your mailing address; no matter where you move in the US (or abroad,) you get to keep the same mailing address and therefore not needing to keep updating IRS records, insurance records or the multiple friends and family that sent you the occasional Christmas card.
US Global Mail – An Expat Mail Forwarding Company
Since 1999, and with over 80,000 customers, US Global Mail is the leader in expat mail. We started way back in the infancy of the Internet, launching the first online platform for receiving mail online. Tens of thousands of customers since then, have been trusting us with their mail. In fact, not only individual customers but also corporate customers such as NetFlix, Shell and other Fortune 500 companies.
US Global Mail is also the leader in assisting our global mobility partners, with the relocation of their employees overseas. For professionals who are overseas on assignment, being able to access their mail remotely at any time, ranks as one of the top reasons why they like having a virtual mailbox. Throughout the years, US Global Mail has made significant upgrades to its virtual mailbox platform, in order to not only provide reliable virtual mailbox services but to also make it easier for customers to access their mail & packages.
To learn more and to get started for free, click here.